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If you think that all players take part in casino games and free slots just for entertainment, you are wrong. Our online casino provides the best odds for winning in games and slots.

Blackjack or as some call it 21, requires you a small number of skills and analytical activities. Odds to win are close to 50%! Learn how to play it, not just for fun, but to earn some money.

Blackjack Basics

The goal of blackjack is to beat the dealer. That is the simplest way to formulate it. There are several ways to win:

  • Having a higher value hand comparing to the dealer’s
  • When the dealer’s hand value is over 21
  • Having 21 on the first two cards while the dealer doesn’t have.

Accordingly, you lose when:

  • Your hand value is lower than the dealer’s when the round is finished
  • Your hand value is over 21.

One note for beginners: remember that you are playing only against the dealer. It is not a team sport like someone can try to persuade you. In our best online casino, you can be sure that no one will trick you.

Card Value

Forget about poker while playing blackjack. The suits of the cards in blackjack do not have any value or influence on the game’s result. We need only their numerical value.

Cards 2–10 are counted at face value. For example, a two of spades always equals two points, and so on up to the 10. Cards like a king, queen, and jack have a value of 10. An ace has two values: one or eleven. So, the person who has an ace is considered to have a soft hand because the value may be changed if necessary. Others with no ace are hard hands.

Standard Game

Blackjack has plenty of numbers of decks and rule variations. The most popular game is dealt out of a 6-deck. In our casino, you may find more than a hundred blackjack options. The structure of the round is the following:

  • You and other players buy chips
  • You and other players place a wager
  • The dealer deals cards to you and other players
  • All players decide the way to play their hand
  • The dealer plays their hand
  • Payouts

Buy chips before you start to play. Sometimes, you may see free blackjack games on the websites. Be aware that there are some differences.

Free game:

  • Ideal for developing skills and creating strategies
  • Created for the entertainment purposes only

Game with real money:

  • Big real prizes
  • Possibility to gain more bonuses
  • More different types of blackjack
  • Any currency is applicable (USD, EUR, CAD, etc.)

After you buy chips, place a bet. You will see the bet limits on the table. They can be different; it depends on the game. Then each player has two cards in front of them that are face-up, while the dealer has one.

The dealer will wait for you to play your hand. First, you should calculate the value of the card. If you received a ten and an ace at the very beginning, it means you’ve got a blackjack. Such combinations are paid immediately. If you don’t have 21 and the dealer also doesn’t have it, you will have to continue to play further. Choose the appropriate command:

  • Stand. No additional cards needed. You already have two acceptable cards.
  • Hit. Additional cards needed. You will receive one at a time until you choose to stand.
  • Double Down. This is used when you are sure about your cards and want one more, while the wager is doubled.
  • Split. Applicable when you have two cards of equal value. You may split your two cards into two new hands and place a second wager.
  • Surrender. If you don’t like your cards, you can give them up and take back half of the original bet.

Your choice will depend on the dealer’s card that is face up and visible. Create strategies or use the basic ones to decide on further actions. As an example of the simplest strategy:

  • Stiff hand: your first card's total sum is 12–16. It can be busted with a hit.
  • If the dealer’s upcard is a 2–6, he has a stiff hand.
  • Stand if you have 17 or better. It’s called a pat hand.
  • When the dealer has from 7 to an ace, he or she has a pat hand.
  • Stand, when both of you have a stiff hand.
  • Hit when you have a stiff hand, and the dealer has a pat hand.


When everyone is done playing his hand, one of two things will happen.

  • The dealer busts. The casino will pay the winnings to every hand which is still in play.
  • The dealer makes a hand. It is time to see who has a higher hand. In case it’s the dealer, you lose your bet. In case you do – the casino pays you your wager one time. When both the dealer and you have equal values, you will keep your initial money only. The round is over.


You need to try different strategies and create new ones if you want to take the game seriously and earn money. Online slots may entertain you more, but when you decide to make some real money, you will try out our blackjack.

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